Feb 25, 2010

Battle of Puppets - for iPhone

This looks like an interesting strategy game. The graphics are uniquely cut-out, and the theme of the game is opera.. Available at 99 cents for a limited time, do consider it for an upgrade of your run-of-the-mill terrible free games.
The game has a surprising amount of strategic depth -- more than you'd expect for an iPhone title. There are five different armies (each one representing an "opera" theme), each with its own strengths and weaknesses, and the little unit battles play out over 22 different theaters, where various environmental changes can actually affect the strategy of the game. And in addition to commanding your puppet troops, you can "cast spells" on the screen with gesture input, which will also affect the flow of battle. It's almost too much to handle on the iPhone's small screen, but the developers have added in a tutorial that should help you figure it out.


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