Sep 28, 2009

"Eff Android, Screw Google"

Google's latest clampdown on one of Android's biggest fanboy modders may lead to a change in the way things are heading. Android has been fanboys/developers dream so far - a free OS with which to tweak without having to deal with too much corporate nonsense. But this may have changed with the Cease & Desist order by Google on Cyanogen.
Who is Cyanogen?
"At this moment in time, Cyanogen is the #1 Android OS Modder on the planet. For people that “root” their phone, he is the hero that brings them the awesome stuff to install. If you’re wondering what the reasons are to root your phone, half of the reasons are so you can install stuff this guy builds (for free) for the community
~ from Phandroid"

Following the C&D from Google, these are his reactions:
Yep, it’s over.

A big F U to Google and Android. My G1 will also be my first, AND ONLY, Android phone. I’ve been such a Google/Android fanboy since the G1 was announced – it’s ridiculous. I’m done. Here I come iPhone. Google can go F themselves.

This has gotten so bad, even one of the Android developers themselves, tweeted this:
To my Apple, Microsoft and Palm buddies: are you hiring to work on mobile stuff?

From what I've read, the problem lies with Google's business arrangements and these partners may not be happy with what's being done etc. So whether this issue will be just a few pioneers leaving, but the platform carrying on, or the start of its downfall, is hard to say at this point. Until another open-source platform comes around, this is the closest mobile phone users have to getting that experience.

Read Cyanogen's C & D issue here.

And Phandroid's report on the backlash here.

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