Sep 3, 2010

Playstation Move video

Come on, tell me you don't want the Playstation Move...

Via Joystiq.

Joystiq also does a review of the Playstation Move here.
This said, when I met the proper line-of-sight and distance needs of the hardware and software, the tracking and accuracy of the Move was astounding. I talk about these things more in my individual game reviews, but highlights for me came in the form of Sports Champions' table tennis (which replicated my every wrist flick perfectly) and archery (grabbing an arrow from my quiver with one Move controller, then touching it to the other acting as a bow and pulling back feels totally natural); and I was blown away by Tumble's super-precise placement of differently shaped blocks, down to complete 1:1 tracking into and out of the screen. It basically feels like you're reaching into your TV (and I wasn't even playing in 3-D).

Review of the Move's launch games are found here.

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